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God vs Money

We live in a world currently where for most people, money is God whether or not they like to admit it. Secularism and consumerism has grown to such a extent that the pursuit of wealth and material success has become the center of people's lives. Many for the sake of accumulating money have put aside their ethics and compromised their moral values, demonstrating their idolization of money.  Conversely, many no longer place much value in organized religion and spirituality . Some Church's have been vandalized and burnt down. Attendance has declined drastically, and religious institutions hold ever lesser sway over public discourse and personal beliefs. Mans struggle throughout ones life and history has been between whether one serves either God or money. This existential conflict encapsulates the fundamental question of where one's allegiance lies: with spiritual values or material pursuits. Choosing to serve God entails prioritizing principles of faith, morality, and compas...
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You Are Not Your Feelings

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Levels of Parenting

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Belief in God is not enough, you need to know.

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Truth over everything

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Gods Heart

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How parents fail their kids today

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